Wednesday 27 November 2013


Pt. 1   01-05

Here it is folks, my little nest of villainy. You'll never find such a haven for scum in the whole cinematic universe. Those bad guys and gals are presented in no particular order. Enjoy!


Who's he?: Once, long ago, Dracula was called Vlad Tepes, ruler of Wallachia (part of modern Romania). He was turned into a vampire and, after 500 years or so, got tired of his homeland so he set his sight on England, where he was defeated by his arch-nemesis Dr Van Helsing. But you can't keep a Vampire lord down, can you? He's returned many times ever since.
Why is bad?: Apart from drinking your blood, turning you into his vampiric slave and threatening the whole of mankind with his shenanigans? Nothing. Why do you ask?
What happened?: What hasn't happened is more apt. Dracula returns at more or less regular interval, sometimes by design, sometimes by accident (i.e. idiots who stumble upon Ol' Drac's resting place and wake him up, happens wayyyy more often than you think).
Appearances: Too many to list, most notably in Dracula (1931), Horror of Dracula (1958), Bram Stoker's Dracula (1993) and many many others.

Who's he?: Damien is the adoptive son of Robert Thorn, the US ambassador to Great Britain. In reality, his real father is none other than Satan himself. Mr Thorn's real son was killed and Damien was substituted in his place. Now in a rich and powerful family, Damien can begin his rise to power and fulfill his father's destiny and plunge the world into chaos. Hey, don't take my word for it, it's in the Bible folks!
Why is he bad?: He's the Antichrist, need I say more?
What happened?: Let's just say that Damien has...powerful friends...working for him. After dispatching his adoptive parents, Damien also dispatched his uncle and aunt. In fact, Damien pretty much dispatched anyone standing in his way. And sometimes he didn't have to do it himself. When you have the Devil as your father, life can be a pretty easy ride. He eventually rose to become United States Senator, his power unchallenged, until defeated by Jesus Christ Himself. (We needed a helping hand against that bastard!)
Appearances: The Omen (1976), Damien: Omen II (1978), Omen III: The Final Conflict (1980)


Who's he?: In a nightmarish, dystopian future England, Alex is a juvenile delinquent going on night rides with his pals up to some "ultraviolence" all the while listening to Beethoven and drinking drugged milk.
Why is he bad?: What's the part of "juvenile delinquent" do you not understand? Alex is most unrepentant in his criminal activities, and we'll not mention that he is one lying, conniving and manipulative son of a bitch if you don't.
What happened?: Well, the Law finally catches up with him and he is sent to prison. Inside, he volunteers for some sort of psychological conditioning technique supposed to let him out of prison in no time. Unfortunately Alex realises all too late that he's not the only morally bankrupt thing around.
Appearance: A Clockwork Orange (1971)


Who's he?: Michael is the third and youngest son of Vito Corleone, a sicilian immigrant who rose to become the head of a powerful organised crime family. Initially, Michael didn't want to have anything to do with that, however gangland politics forced his hand and he came to the fore, first to protect his father and then to make the Corleone family's business legitimate.
Why is he bad?: He never managed to make anything legitimate and, as the forties gave way to the fifties, became "just another mafia hood" (his wife's words, not mine) by killing, bribing and blackmailing anyone in sight. In many ways Michael became even worse than his father ever was.
What happened?: In the late seventies, a somewhat repentant Michael made one last play at legitimacy but they kept pulling him back in. He bequeathed his power to his nephew Vincent. This cost him the life of his daughter. He died some time later, alone and broken.
Appearances: The Godfather (1972), The Godfather, Part II (1974), The Godfather, Part III (1990)


Who's he?:  Well, back in the 1990s a bunch of genetic supermen took over the world, and Mr Singh apparently controlled India and most of Southeast Asia. They were eventually defeated somewhere in 1994 and put on a spaceship for God knows where. The ship (the SS Botany Bay) was eventually found by the USS Enterprise commanded by one James T. Kirk. He and his cohort tried to take over the ship and were marooned on some planet named Ceti Alpha V. Things went downhill from here. 15 years later Khan escaped and, for one reason or another, had some bone to pick with Admiral Kirk. 
Why is he bad?: Let's see...Khan is twice as strong and intelligent as your average human being. Superior abilities breed superior ambitions apparently. In the 1990s Khan was a ruthless dictator, in the more peaceful world of the 23d century he was now a menace, with a HUGE chip on his shoulders. Plus, he's not alone as he was put on ice with about fifty other "Napoleons". 
What happened?: He went for a second round with James T. Kirk, that's what. It didn't go down well the first time, second time was an uphill battle from the start. Still, he did manage to indirectly kill Spock and Scotty's nephew. Not bad for a comeback.
Appearances: "Space Seed" (1967), Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982)

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