Friday, 31 October 2014


The Doctor, in his bid to join the Ghostbusters!
Series: 8
Episode: 6
Executive Producers: Steven Moffat, Brian Minchin
Producer: Nikki Wilson
Script Editors: David P. Davis, Derek Ritchie
Writer: Gareth Roberts, Steven Moffat
Director: Paul Murphy
Regulars: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Clara Oswald (Jenna Louise Coleman)

The Plot: Do you remember School Reunion from series 2? It's a lot like that except for the bits with Sarah Jane Smith and K9. It's basically a romcom where Clara is hiding her hobby from her boyfriend, while the hobby in question crashes in on her work space.
We Like: Not much, suffice to say.
We Dislike: When Moffat and Capaldi said there would be no romance this time, I actually believed them but obviously this was only a play with words (i.e. no romance between The Doctor and his companion.)
There's some good stuff but its obviously derivative and not very interesting.
Rating: 1

Thursday, 16 October 2014


After Ocean's Eleven, here's Who's Four. 
Series: 8
Episode: 5
Executive Producers: Steven Moffat, Brian Minchin
Producer: Peter Bennett
Script Editors: David P. Davis, Richard Cookson
Writer: Stephen ThompsonSteven Moffat
Director: Douglas Mackinnon
Regulars: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Clara Oswald (Jenna Louise Coleman)

The Plot: The Doctor, Clara and two other people have been hired to rob the universe's most secure financial institution. And to steal what exactly? Well, they'll have to get back to you on that, 'cos their memories have been altered by the very person who's hiring them for the job.
We Like: Doctor Who's first ever caper movie. What's there not to like. The Teller is also a welcomed addition in the long list of Doctor Who aliens. Smashing!
We Dislike: OK, some may have found it obvious who the Architect is (spoilers!!!), but I don't give a damn.
Rating: 4

Tuesday, 14 October 2014


Wait 'till you find out whose feet this hand is trying to grasp!
Series: 8
Episode: 4
Executive Producers: Steven Moffat, Brian Minchin
Producer: Peter Bennett
Script Editors: David P. Davis
Writer: Steven Moffat
Director: Douglas Mackinnon
Regulars: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Clara Oswald (Jenna Louise Coleman)

The Plot: The Doctor chases monsters whose schtick is to remain hidden from view. That's it! They won't do anything unless you try to look at them. How is that threatening, you ask? It's not, yet the whole thing is absolutely terrifying.
We Like: Almost everything! The nature of the plot lend itself to a fantastic re-reading of Blink. Nothing much happens, and yet a lot of things are revealed.
We Dislike: Moffat saif there would be no romance with the Doctor, this time. However he didn't say anything about companion romance with another guy. Come on, enough with the mushy stuff.
Rating: 5