Tuesday 14 October 2014


Wait 'till you find out whose feet this hand is trying to grasp!
Series: 8
Episode: 4
Executive Producers: Steven Moffat, Brian Minchin
Producer: Peter Bennett
Script Editors: David P. Davis
Writer: Steven Moffat
Director: Douglas Mackinnon
Regulars: The Doctor (Peter Capaldi), Clara Oswald (Jenna Louise Coleman)

The Plot: The Doctor chases monsters whose schtick is to remain hidden from view. That's it! They won't do anything unless you try to look at them. How is that threatening, you ask? It's not, yet the whole thing is absolutely terrifying.
We Like: Almost everything! The nature of the plot lend itself to a fantastic re-reading of Blink. Nothing much happens, and yet a lot of things are revealed.
We Dislike: Moffat saif there would be no romance with the Doctor, this time. However he didn't say anything about companion romance with another guy. Come on, enough with the mushy stuff.
Rating: 5

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