Friday 11 October 2013


This is it, folks! 9 lost episodes of Doctor Who have been found in Jos, Nigeria (not Ethiopia, then).

And the winners are...

  • The complete six episodes of The Enemy of the World and episodes 2, 4, 5 and 6 of The Web of Fear.
This is fantastic news. Not only do we get a complete serial, but we also have an almost complete one as well, episode 1 of The Web of Fear was already available, so the only missing episode of that serial is the third one.

Of course, like a fool, I almost believed they had found about a hundred of them, so reality is always a bit anti-climatic. Nevertheless Season Five is looking good. Let's see what we've got:

  1. The complete Tomb of the Cybermen.
  2. Episode 2 of The Abominable Snowmen.
  3. The almost complete The Ice Warriors.
  4. The complete Enemy of the World.
  5. The almost complete The Web of Fear.
  6. The two episodes of The Wheel in Space.
Previously, season Five had a total number of 13 episodes available, now the tally has been increased to 22. Season 5 originally had a total of 40 episodes. Fury from the Deep is the only serial of the season not to have any episodes left.

Of course, it's always the ones we would really want that are still missing, i.e. The Power of the Daleks and The Evil of the Daleks for my part.

Nevertheless, with the 3 episodes of The Daleks' Master Plan found in 2004, and the two episodes found in 2011, things are indeed looking good for those miserable missing episodes.


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