Tuesday 15 October 2013

Susan: "See, Grandfather, people are tuning in after all..."                                         
Dr. Who: "That's what worries me, child, that's what worries me."


The one and only original cast of Doctor Who.


William Hartnell (Dr. Who)
Carole Ann Ford (Susan)
William Russell (Ian).
Jacqueline Hill (Barbara)

Active from November 23, 1963 to December 26, 1964.


  1. An Unearthly Child
  2. The Daleks
  3. The Edge of Destruction
  4. Marco Polo
  5. The Keys of Marinus
  6. The Aztecs
  7. The Sensorites
  8. The Reign of Terror
  9. Planet of Giants
  10. The Dalek Invasion of Earth

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