Pt. 6 26-30
Who's he?: A third generation West Point graduate who would have no doubt rose to the highest ranks of the United States army, destined for a top job at the Pentagon. Unfortunately, he was deployed in Viet Nam and things went downhill from there.
How bad is he?: It's kind of a gray area in this case. Obviously, the good Colonel went completely insane and decided to secede from the US army. He rounded up a rag tag army made up of both Vietnamese troops and some of his own men and decided to wage war against his own country. But even that could be excusable under the circumstances. What is less so is that he played the part of medieval warlord up to the hilt, complete with the severed heads of his enemies stuck on pikes on full display.
What happened?: The army sent a special forces operative, Captain Willard, to terminate his command. The mission was somewhat successful though reports vary as to what happened afterwards. Fog of war and all that...
Appearance: Apocalypse Now (1979)
Who's he?: We don't know what it is Ziegler actually does, but apparently he has made a whole lot of money doing it. Ziegler loves parties and never fails to attend one, as a host or as a guest.
How bad is he?: On a very good day, we could forgive Ziegler for cheating on his wife with drugged-out prostitutes. However Ziegler is appartently the kind of man who likes to up the ante. He's actually part of some sort of club for the immensely rich and powerful who like to gather round in a lush Long Island mansion and take part in ritualised orgies. Whern a friend of his is caught infiltrating said orgy, Ziegler will crank the conspiracy meter up to eleven to scare him away, even if that means resorting to murder and intimidation.
What happened?: Not sure actually, Ziegler manages to get Bill Harford off his back, but his insistance that nothing sinister has took place is...unconvincing, shall we say.
Appearance: Eyes Wide Shut (1999)
Who's he?: French military officer during WWI. In order to win some medal or another, Gen. Miraud was ordered to take the Ant Hill, a key German position reputed to be impregnable.
How bad is he?: General Miraud is a self-serving opportunist of the worst sort. He knew right away he couldn't take the ant hill but that shiny medal made it all worthwhile, didn't it? When his men were pinned down by the Germans he ordered an artillery barrage down on his own troops to get 'em out of the trenches. When the whole thing failed miserably he blamed it all on them and had three soldiers summarily executed for cowardice.
What happened?: Thanks to the dedication of his subordinate, Col. Drax, an inquiry terminated the General's command, though it didn't prevent the execution nor did it prevent the Ant Hill massacre. As you can see, WWI was just one big barrell of fun for everybody.
Appearance: Paths of Glory (1957)
Who's he?: Absolute leader of the Blue Meanies, an army of music-hating, fun-hating creatures who detest happiness and contentment.
How bad is he?: The Chief Blue Meanie is one party-pooping sourpuss. You can expect him to turn up (unexpectedly) and start bringing everybody down. And he won't come alone. He'll gather round his army of killjoys to ruin everyone's day. No wonder Blue Meanies are...well...mean.
What happened?: Somewhere in 1968 AD, the Blue Meanies attacked Pepperland, an underwater paradise. Thanks to Old Fred and his yellow submarine, the Beatles were brought down to Pepperland to lighten things up a bit.
Appearance: Yellow Submarine (1968)
Who's he?: Scientific advisor to the Pentagon, answerable only to the President of the United States.
How bad is he?: Dr. Strangelove appartently has had a lot of things figured out by the time General Ripper launched his unprovoked nuclear strike against the USSR. He knew someone would eventually screw up with Wing Attack Plan R, and that the Russians might develop a retaliatory measure of some sort. So he had a whole life in one of those deep mine shatfs planned right from the outset for the survivors. For some other reason, he keeps calling the president "Mein Fuhrer" and just couldn't keep his arm from making Nazi salute. He also had a plan against a mine shaft gap but he was interrupted by total nuclear annihilation.
What happened?: Since everyone failed to prevent one single B52 bomber from dropping its payload on Russia, triggering the Soviets' Doomsday Device the entire human race was exterminated.
Appearance: Dr. Strangelove (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb) (1964)
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