Wednesday 8 January 2014


Pt. 14  66-70

Who's he?: Erik Lensherr, Auschwitz survivor and leader of the Brotherhood, a group of super-powered mutants who believe that humanity is on the way out and they're on the way in.
How bad is he?: If Magneto had the power to control cupcakes, this would be a very short article. Unfortunately, Magneto has absolute and complete control over the forces of magnetism making him one of the most powerful and dangerous creature on Earth. Nothing subjected to magnetism can escape his will, in return he is quite willing to subject magnetism to his every whim. Unlike his buddy, Charles Xavier, Magneto does not want to live in peace with humanity, yet doesn't necessarily want to destroy, we just don't matter to him. If we're in the way, though, Magneto will not hesitate to brush us aside. To add insult to injury, Magneto rarely acts alone and is usually surrounded by a group of like-minded mutants just as willing and able to use their powers to brush us aside, too.
What happened?: Subjected to a virus that eliminates the mutant gene from one's DNA, Magneto has apparently lost all of his powers, but don't count Magneto out just yet, his powers may be returning sooner than you think.
Appearances: X-Men (2000), X2: X-Men United (2003), X-Men: Last Stand (2006), X-Men: First Class (2011)


Who's he?: A scientist interested in the possibilities of accessing other dimensions. For that purpose, Pretorius build the Resonator, a huge tuning fork designed to stimulate the pineal gland, giving human beings access to other worlds.
How bad is he?: Dr. Pretorius did make contact with otherworldy entities who just had the hots for him. They send him back with the ability to shape and mold his body at will. Pretorius then became some sort of polymorphic monster, yet retained what was left of his mind. Perfectly aligned with the line of thoughts of his buddies, Dr. Pretorius seek to permanently access our dimension to wreak havoc and indulge in every kind of S&M fantasies known to mankind. I can see his name plate quite clearly: Edward Pretorius, Scientist & Pervert Inc.
What happened?: For one thing, his assistant Crawford was accused of killing Pretorius, then he came back with his psychiatrist and a cop. And then all hell broke loose and then the house blew up.
Appearance: From Beyond (1986)


Who's he?: A medical doctor who had controversial ideas and unorthodox methodology in conducting his experiments.
How bad is he?: Mad scientist time! In the beginning, Hobbes developped the theory of creating a parasite that would assimilate the function of a diseased organ, and eventually replace that organ completely. So far, so good, but Hobbes had other ideas. Fueled by an illicit sexual relationship with a sixteen years-old trollop, Hobbes decided that human beings are not horny enough. So the parasite was altered to boost up the sexual energies of the people infected. Things wend South pretty fast when he introduced the parasite into the closed community of a high rise appartment building. Before anyone could say "what the hell were you thinking", the entire appartment complex became a commune of sex maniacs. Thanks a lot, Doc. Looking forward to read your comments in the medical journals.
What happened?: Or not, because Hobbes killed himself and his teenage dreamboat to prevent the parasite from spreading. It didn't work. Soon, hundreds of randy residents decided to leave the complex for a night around town.
Appearance: Shivers (1975)


Who's he?: Darryl is a scanner, he can tap into the nervous system of another individual and link with them telepathically. Darryl, however, does not like being a scanner, and had sworn to destroy the company mostly responsible for their existence, ConSec.
How bad is he?: He can make people's head explode. No, seriously. Darryl isn't just any scanner down the block, he's a very powerful one. And he has created a faction of scanner loyal only to him. Because Revok is at war against ConSec and most importantly its main man, Dr. Paul Ruth. All the while, Revok has decided to create his own army by shipping the drug that causes 'scannerism' to several maternity clinics, thus making sure a new generation of telepathic mutants will get born. The thought of mass producing telepathic mutants to serve one man's cause should be enough evidence that Revok is not one of the good guys.
What happened?: Enter Cameron Vale, a transient, a loner, a bum but also a scanner on a par with Revok. He was used by Ruth as an agent against Revok. Turns out they're brothers. And since they were on opposing sides of the arguments, they duked it out scan for scan. Somebody won. We're just not sure who.
Appearance: Scanners (1981)


Who's she?: Her? No one, just a down-to-earth ex-nurse living in a secluded farm up there in the mountains. In spare time, Annie likes to read trashy romance novels, most of them written by Paul Sheldon.
How bad is she?: Woe to you if you happened to be Paul Sheldon, happened to crash your car near her home, and not only decided to stop writing trashy romance novels but killed off your main character. Annie won't like that, not one bit. And God forbids if you have plans of actually leaving Annie to her own device. That won't do at all. Not one bit. There's a reason Annie is an ex-nurse. There's also a good reason why she lives up there, on her own, and people avoid her like the plague. Annie!? Annie! Just what the hell are you doing with that sledghammer?
What happened?: By a combination of pain-killing drugs and sledgehammer, Annie had Sheldon exactly where she wants him. She also forced him to write another trashy novel, reviving the aforementioned dead character. Until Paul made a bid for freedom.
Appearance: Misery (1990)

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