Monday 11 August 2014


Steven's sweater is defnitie proof that black & white
Doctor Who has qualities of its own. 
A space pilot from the future, Steven found himself marooned on planet Mechanus. He was taken prisoner by the robotic Mechanoids until they brought in other prisoners, namely the Doctor and his companions. For the first time in two years, Steven finally had a ticket out.

Origin: The future, most likely the 22nd to 24th century.
Seasons: 2-3
Tenure: 26 June 1965-18 June 1966
Reason for Leaving: For some reason, the Doctor selected Steven to become the leader of the former Elders and Savages, to help rebuild their civilisation.
Assessment: Take Ian Chesterton, strike about 20 years, and add an even more belligerent and argumentative nature yet take out all the humour and you have Steven. I quite liked Steven but couldn't they have made him less a pain in the ass? Guess not. Steven gets to shine in The Massacre when he is left alone in the middle of chaos and murder, and rightly calls the Doctor on it. He's also very amusing in The Gunfighters (and quite the singer as well).

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