Friday 1 August 2014


For their latest dastardly plan, the Daleks have kidnapped the cast of a
popular children's show to do their evil biddings. 
Season: 3
Episodes: 1
Broadcast Date: 9 October 1965
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: Donald Tosh
Writer: Terry Nation (x5)
Director: Derek Martinus
Regular Cast: Barry Jackson (Jeff Garvey), Edward de Souza (Marc Cory), Jeremy Young (Gordon Lowery)

The Plot: Two special agents land of planet Kembel and realise the Daleks have made some interesting friends.
We Like: It's the first, ever Doctor-less episode, as none of the regular cast appear. Kembel itself, just a shade less dangerous than Skaro.
We Dislike: It's actually the prologue for The Daleks' Master Plan. Since it was followed by a completely different serial, fans had to wait a month before the rest of the story.
Rating: 3

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