Sunday 3 August 2014


The simmering anger and resentment felt by companions from time
to time get a voice in Sara Kingdom, whose first job was to kill the
Season: 3
Episodes: 12*
Broadcast Dates: 13 November 1965-29 January 1966
Producer: John Wiles
Script Editor: Donald Tosh
Writer: Terry Nation (x6), Dennis Spooner (x4)
Director: Douglas Camfield
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Peter Purves (Steven), Adrienne Hill (Katarina), Jean Marsh (Sara Kingdom), Nicholas Courtney (Bret Vyon)
Jumping Ship: Katarina, the first companion ever to get killed off.

The Plot: The Daleks have allied themselves with the Guardian of the Solar System to betray the entire galaxy. And you thought President Obama was bad!
We Like: Episode 2 is the only extant episode featuring Katarina, so it's good to know she hasn't been erased from history. The rest, well, we only got about a fourth of what was shown so...nevertheless, pretty exciting.
We Dislike: Some of the middle episodes don't have anything to do with the plot, so just sit back, relax and watch Dr. Who have a toast on ye!
Rating: 3

*Only episodes 2,5 and 10 exists as of July 29, 2014.

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