Saturday 2 August 2014


The wise Doctor is apparently agreeable to a fool's bargain with a con
artist and a rake.
Season: 3
Episodes: 4*
Broadcast Dates: 16 October-6 November 1965
Procuder: John Wiles
Script Editor: Donald Tosh
Writer: Donald Cotton
Director: Michael Leeston-Smith
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Peter Purves (Steven)
Jumping Ship: Vicki, another victim of Sudden Companion Romance Syndrome (or SCRS).
Joining In: Adrienne Hill (Katarina)

The Plot: In his definite version of the Iliad, Homer seems to have completely forgotten the Doctor's involvment with that Trojan Horse bit.
We Like: Another comedy episode, this time replacing farce with satire. Cotton should have written more.
We Dislike: And yet another comedy episode that ends in tragedy. Doctor Who has very strange ideas about what constitutes funny, apparently.
Rating: 3.5

*All episodes missing as of July 28, 2014.

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