Monday 28 July 2014


Ian's last bid for normalcy. 
Ian Chesterton was a science teacher at Coal Hill School. One night, he and colleague Barbara Wright followed a mysterious student home. A dispute with the girl's grandfather led to a trip 'round time and space.

Origin: 20th century Earth.
Seasons: 1-2
Tenure: 23 November 1963-26 June 1965
Reasons for Leaving: Ian found that a Dalek time machine was more reliable than the TARDIS, so he used it to go back home.
Assessment: Despite working at a liberal profession, Ian was the Action Hero of Doctor Who always ready to defend the TARDIS when need be. Ian was pretty consistent throughout. His best serials are The Romans (where is sold as a galley slave), The Web Planet (because giant ants are always cool) and The Aztecs because Ian almost becomes the general of the whole Aztec army.

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