Wednesday 30 July 2014


The 11th century could not have gone on without the comedy stylings of
The Doctor and Monk.
Season: 2
Episodes: 4
Broadcast Dates: 3-24 July 1965
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: Donald Tosh
Writer: Dennis Spooner (x3)
Director: Douglas Camfield
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki), Peter Purves (Steven).

The Plot: It's 1066 and, somehow, a Monk knows that King Harold will be defeated at Hastings. He also has a phonographs playing the latest hit records of the day.
We Like: Peter Butterworth as the Meddling Monk, he shoulda been a regular.
We Dislike: The Vikings and the Saxons. You can see where the research budget was cut.
Rating; 3.5

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