Friday 25 July 2014


The Doctor ponders the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. 
Season: 2
Broadcast Dates: 27 March-17 April 1965
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: Dennis Spooner
Writer: David Whitaker (x3)
Director: Douglas Camfield
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who). William Russell (Ian), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara), Maureen O'Brien (Vicki)

The Plot: King Richard the Lionheart wants to take the Holy City, by force if necessary but he has a better plan: marry his sister to his worst enemy. That'll work.
We Like: The fact that Whitaker remembered that Saladdin was far more mercyful to his enemies than the crusaders. Other Arabs not being portrayed as monsters and other knights not be portrayed like Sir Lancelot. Ian knighted by King Richard himself (too bad he can't tell everyone).
We Dislike: It's one of those historicals where the main characters are just completely sidelined by the events surrounding them.
Rating: 3

*Episodes 2 and 4 a missing as of 21 July, 2014.

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