Saturday 19 July 2014


The myrmecophobic Ian should brace himself, for this is nothing compared
to what's waiting for him later on. 
Season: 2
Episodes: 3
Broadcast Dates: 31 October-14 November 1964
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: David Whitaker
Writer: Louis Marks
Director: Mervyn Pinfield (eps. 1-2), Douglas Camfield (ep. 3)*
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), William Russell (Ian), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara)

The Plot: The TARDIS crew must solve a murder mystery while playing at The Incredible Shrinking Man. It's all about the environment, really.
We Like: They really did a fine job with the special effects, and the oversized props look very effective. Kudos.
We Dislike: The murder mystery gets in the way of a fantastic adventure in someone's back yard.
Rating: 2.5

* Y'see, this was to be a typical four-parter but somehow the production team decided to make it a three by combining episodes 3 and 4 into one. Pinfield directed 1, 2 and half of part 3. Camfield directed some bits for what is now part three. Nevertheless, he is the only credited director for the final installment.

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