Saturday 12 July 2014


Don't worry, the Daleks may be threatening Dr. Who and his chums,
but in reality they saved him from early cancellation. 
Season: 1
Episodes: 7
Broadcast Dates: 21 December 1963-February 1 1964
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: David Whitaker
Writer: Terry Nation
Directors: Christopher Barry (eps. 1,2,4,5) & Richard Martin (eps. 3,6,7)
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), William Russell (Ian), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara)

The Plot: It's off to planet Skaro, a war-torn, radiated hell-hole for fun and games with the Daleks. The Thals show up as well, but they're way less fun than the Daleks (and worst-dressed too).
We Like: It's the Doctor vs. the Daleks, isn't it? And it was the first time too. Who knew the BBC, and their run-down studios and cheesy special effects, had it in them to make this epic tale of radiation, oddly-dressed human aliens and threatening pepperpots.
We Dislike: Antodus, the cowardly Thal who nearly did Ian in with his shenanigans. Notice he only tagged along because his brother was going. Silly dog. In fact, the whole trek to the Dalek city could have been one episode less. Just saying...
Rating: 5

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