Monday 14 July 2014


Marco Polo doesn't appreciate this old coot crashing in on his programme.
Season: 1
Episodes: 7*
Broadcast Dates: 22 February-4 April 1964
Producer: Verity Lambert
Script Editor: David Whitaker
Writer: John Lucarotti
Director: Waris Hussein, John Crockett (ep. 4 only)
Regular Cast: William Hartnell (Dr. Who), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), William Russell (Ian), Jacqueline Hill (Barbara)

The Plot: The TARDIS land in 13th century China and the gang meet with Marco Polo, on his way to see Kublai Kahn. Polo wants to trade the TARDIS for his request to return to Italy. Hilarity ensues.
We Like: The first historical and probably the best. The sets, the costumes and the acting all come together in this gripping tale of one man's thievery of another's property.
We Dislike: It's missing, isn't it. So we can't watch it. You do the math.
Rating: 4.5 (based on the novelisation)

*All missing as of July 12, 2014

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